ESCO (Energy Service Company) is a business model that uses energy efficiency contracts as the basis for payment when implementing Energy Efficiency (EE) projects.

17 June, 2021

ESCO (Energy Service Company) is a business model that uses energy efficiency contracts as the basis for payment when implementing Energy Efficiency projects.

Benefits of the ESCO model:

1. For customers:

Depending on the type of ESCO contract, there will be different benefits:

  • We will provide customers with comprehensive energy solutions including Energy audit, energy consulting, planning, investment, installation, and operation.etc.
  • Customers do not have to spend initial investment capital but still be provided modern technical equipment for the production process in energy efficiency projects.
  • Customers and ESCO share profits from saved energy costs without spending initial investment.

2. For society:

  • Ensure national energy security
  • Reduce emissions in the production process and use energy efficiency and conservation.

Vets | Energy’s ESCO services packages

Energy efficiency guarantee package:

  • Enterprises will invest capital in energy-saving solutions. Vets | Energy deploys and commits to energy ensure levels for Enterprises.

Profit-sharing package:

  • Vets | Energy consults and invest in energy-saving equipment for enterprises with an agreement on profit sharing. At the end of the contract on return of initial investment costs between the two parties (usually not exceeding three years), the equipment will be overhand to the inherited enterprise indefinitely.

Power purchase package:

  • Vets | Energy consults and invest in energy-saving equipment for enterprises. Then, we sell them for enterprises with better prices (from the Energy Efficiency project) compare enterprise self-produced.

Financial guarantee package:

  • Enterprises want to implement the solution independently but have capital difficulties, Vets | Energy will be the guarantor finance with the bank.

Contact Details:

Vietnam Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company

  • Hanoi Headquarters:1st floor, Song Da 9 Building, No. 2, Nguyen Hoang Street, My Dinh 2 Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi.
  • RO HCM: No. 10, Road No. 4, Him Lam Urban Area, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh.

Hotline:  024 22 33 44 55 (Hanoi Headquarters) | 0902 460 336 (RO HCM)

Email: (Hanoi Headquarters) | (RO HCM)


Vets | Energy