7 September, 2021

ISO 50001 (Energy management system) standard is researched and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This is an energy management system standard that helps facilities make plans and manage energy. ISO 50001 is the independent scale and applies to any enterprise. It can use independence or mix other management standards. ISO 50001 does not criteria specific targets, but it set requirements for participating enterprises to commit to improving energy efficiency on a regular.

Tiêu chuẩn ISO 50001

Benefits of ISO 50001

Tiêu chuẩn ISO 50001

– Cost savings – improved energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption
– Achieve world standards, enterprises have comparisons, measurements and reports for energy improvement.
– Have competitive advantage by promoting effective energy management.
– Increased transparency – through detailed analysis of energy consumption, will help businesses clearly understand their internal energy management efforts.

Implementation Process ISO 50001

Tiêu chuẩn ISO 50001
ISO 50001 is designed based on the principle that is the management model according to the PDCA cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Action). Therefore, it ensures maximum compatibility with other systems such as ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 22000… enterprises can apply individually or in combination with other standards.5 steps to implement an Energy Management System
Step 1 – Developing an energy policy:
This is the first step foundation for developing and implementing an energy management system. The energy policy must be reviewed regularly to ensure the system is implemented and adequate.

Step 2 – Make a plan for energy management:
This is the basic step. Tasks to be carried out in this phase include assessment of the relevant legal system at local; Assess use energy at the facility; Identify potential for improvement; Define energy efficiency indicator and energy usage curve; Set goals, targets and energy management programs.

Step 3 – Implementation and Operation:
This is the stage of the management system into operation. The outputs of step 2 will apply in this stage

Step 4 – Check and track:
This phase is evaluating the effectiveness of the system and provides data to review.

Step 5 – Evaluate and adjust:
Enterprises need to conduct review and evaluation based on the measurement data in the operation process, combined with the set objectives and targets. Thereby, it making changes in the energy management system be suitable for the new situation.

With over 15 years in the energy sector, Vets | Energy consulting for the ISO 50001 is highly appreciated. We are support enterprises develop ISO 50001 in Vietnam.