
Toolkit is Vets | Energy developed for our customers


Toolkit to help you quickly calculate energy saving solutions

Calculation tool for convection heat transfer insulation solution

The tool helps to calculate the economic and technical efficiency of convection heat transfer insulation

Pump, fan and compressor efficiency calculator

Tool to calculate pump motor efficiency, pump capacity, pump efficiency, fan efficiency, air compressor

Capacitor calculation tool and efficiency when installing capacitors

Tool to help calculate reactive power, economic and technical efficiency when installing

Lighting solution calculator

This tool helps to calculate the economic and technical efficiency, consult the lamp types before replacing the

Direct boiler efficiency calculator

The tool helps to calculate the boiler efficiency by the direct method. We will update more indirect calculation

Convert tool

The tool includes conversion tabs: unit conversion, TOE conversion and CO2 conversion. Database will be updated

Vets Energy

We aim to make a positive difference in the world.

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